Quora Spaces — An Exercise In Spamming Members And Gaming The System

Dexter Roona
5 min readDec 30, 2020

Quora is really pushing their Spaces feature at the moment but recent changes have turned Spaces into nothing more than spam tools that admins and partner program members are abusing.

simple red banner header — text Quora Spaces — An Exercise In Spamming Members and Gaming the System
Image credit to the author

Parent Questions — The Rise Of The Space Spammer

Quora has recently introduced a new feature called Parent Questions.

What are Quora Parent Questions?

Parent Questions are the end product of a new nameless Quora share feature that allows you to share questions to Spaces. When you request answers on a question you can now also choose to share your question to other spaces instantly. Each share you make to a Quora space uses one of your 25 answer request slots.

When this feature was launched alarm bells rang in my head for a couple of reasons.

1/ You can now ask a question and request answers while also sharing to related spaces. This means that Space owners now get lots and lots of duplicate question submissions that link back out to the main question, the Parent Question.

2/ The new scam in town is to make a whole bunch of spaces. You then ask questions that qualify for the Partner Program send answer requests to these questions and also share



Dexter Roona
Dexter Roona

Written by Dexter Roona

Infobunny - Social media tips and tricks - Ambassador at Wakelet - https://InfoBunny.com and https://actionfiguregeek.com

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